Are you acting in your clients’ best interest when it comes to rollovers? On June 30, the new SEC Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) becomes effective. Reg BI establishes a “best interest” standard of conduct for broker-dealers when they make recommendations to clients of any securities transaction or investment strategy involving securities. Reg BI specifically covers proposals for rolling over funds from a workplace retirement plan account to an IRA.

Under the new standard, brokers must “exercise reasonable diligence, care and skill when making a recommendation to the client.” This requires the financial professional to understand the risks and rewards of the recommendation, as well as its costs, for each client.

Closer scrutiny of client rollover advice means that a comprehensive analysis, including a discussion with the client about rollover benefits and drawbacks, is an absolute must for any advisor. With that in mind, it is imperative for advisors to educate themselves and thoroughly understand all the options and rules governing company plan-to-IRA rollovers.

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